Haitian migration to Brazil: when the racial landscape changes and “i” and the “other” confront each other in the media and in digital social networks
GUIMARÃES, Maristela Abadia ; ALONSO, Kátia Morosov
This study is part of a doctoral thesis in Education [still in progress] developed in the Program of Postgraduate Studies in Education, of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, in the research group Laboratório de Estudos sobre Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Educação – Lêtece – UFMT [Laboratory of Studies on Information and Communication Technology in Education – Lêtece – Federal University of Mato Grosso], connected to the project Aprender e ensinar com as TDIC: sobre tendências, dilemas e perspectivas [Learning and teaching with information and communications technology: on trends, dilemmas and perspectives]. It aims at analyzing the manifestations of Brazilians, in some digital media and social networks, related to the presence of Haitian migrants in the country, focusing on the history of the Brazilian social thought. The choice of who I want in the country where I live will help us reflect on the expressions found in these discourses, how they are and why they are motivated.
DOI: 10.5151/9788580392500-05
Como citar:
GUIMARÃES, Maristela Abadia; ALONSO, Kátia Morosov; "Haitian migration to Brazil: when the racial landscape changes and “i” and the “other” confront each other in the media and in digital social networks", p. 53-65. Humanities: Under different perspectives. São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISBN: 9788580392500, DOI 10.5151/9788580392500-05