Miranda, José Roberto;


The presence of wild fauna in agricultural areas has received scant attention in research. In conservation efforts for wild species, research has traditionally focused on the biodiversity of remnants and natural ecosystems (forests, savannas, riparian forests etc.), or research on restoration. Little attention has been paid to the effective role of agro-ecosystems on the maintenance of animal diversity (GLIESSMAN, 2001). The type of management employed in these systems should make a difference in fauna populations and organic farming associated with agro-ecological management should show greater biodiversity (BEECHER et al., 2002). Populations of plant and animal species in tropical agro-ecosystems vary according to land use and occupation, the temporal and spatial stability of the production systems, nature and spatial division of the natural vegetation remnants and the availability of water resources (SUÁREZ-SEOANE; OSBORNE; BAUDRY, 2002). The evolution of biodiversity in Brazilian tropical agriculture areas is a relatively new dimension and very different from land cultivated in temperate regions (MALCOLM, 1997). The scientific knowledge gleaned from the results of the processes of land use and occupation on fauna richness is still very incipient in our country.

Part 1 — Public Policy Strategies for Ethanol in Brazil :

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DOI: 10.5151/BlucherOA-Sugarcane-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_17

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Como citar:

MIRANDA, José Roberto; "SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS AND FAUNAL DIVERSITY: THE CASE OF ORGANIC SUGARCANE UNDER AGRO-ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT", p. 141 -150. In: Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, .
ISBN: 978-85-212-0822-8, DOI 10.5151/BlucherOA-Sugarcane-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_17