de, Marcos Guimarães ; Landell, rade ; Creste, Silvana ; Pinto, Luciana Rossini ; Xavier, Mauro Alexandre ; Bressiani, José Antonio


Sugarcane is one of the main crops cultivated in Brazil, and grows well in latitudes between 31º and 5º of the south hemisphere. This tropical climate range usually shows shorter and colder days, and such weather conditions may be increased close to the Tropic of Capricorn which is the most traditional region of sugarcane cultivation in Brazil’s Center-South. These tropical areas are mainly characterized by a rainy summer followed by a dry winter season. Surrounding areas of lower latitude are usually characterized by long periods of an extensive drought season, showing concentrated rain distributions during the crop cycle, and also by higher maximum temperatures, which may result in a higher evapotranspiration rate, affecting the accumulation of sugarcane biomass. The major climate components that control sugarcane growth, yield and quality are temperature, light and available water (CAMARGO, 2005). In Brazil, sugarcane is cultivated in a variety of different soils, such as Latosols, Argisols, Nitosols, Cambisols, Neosols, Vertisols, Plinthosols etc. Within each one of these classes there is also a great variability in the chemical potentiality, which is responsible for conferring specific characteristics for each type, enabling their classification on eutrophic, mesotrophjfic, distrophic, acric, mesoalic and alic soils in this universe (PRADO, 2008).


DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_34

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Como citar:

DE, Marcos Guimarães; LANDELL, rade; CRESTE, Silvana; PINTO, Luciana Rossini; XAVIER, Mauro Alexandre; BRESSIANI, José Antonio; "THE STRATEGY FOR REGIONAL SELECTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY SUGARCANE CULTIVARS PROFILES", p. 345-352. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_34