Creste, Silvana ; Pinto, Luciana Rossini ; Xavier, Mauro Alexandre ; de, Marcos Guimarães ; Landell, rade


Sugarcane improvement programs play an important role in the sugar-alcohol industry, as they are the source for developing varieties, the main technological input for sugar and ethanol production. Over the last three decades, important gains were achieved in agribusiness, mostly resulting from breakthroughs in genetic improvement. Among its objectives, the increase in stalks sugar content was always one of the major goals, as improving such feature reflects an economic interest, as harvesting, transportation, and milling costs remain practically unchanged. However, a new paradigm for energy production is rising based on biomass production: to use the whole plant, dissociated from sugar production. The energy cane concept proposed by ALBERT- THENET (2003) emphasizes the differentiation of sugarcane varieties with high fiber content from those previously produced to obtain sugar and bagasse, leading to the development of varieties with characteristics favorable to power generation. This particular type of sugarcane foresees high fiber content (25%), 100 tons/ha.year productivity, 25% of trash/cane, 12% Pol% cane, which would provide around 50 tons of fiber per hectare/year.


DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_35

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Como citar:

CRESTE, Silvana; PINTO, Luciana Rossini; XAVIER, Mauro Alexandre; DE, Marcos Guimarães; LANDELL, rade; "THE IMPORTANCE OF THE GERMPLASM IN DEVELOPING AGRO-ENERGETIC PROFILE SUGARCANE CULTIVARS", p. 353-358. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_35