Leite, Rogerio Cezar de Cerqueira
The first intervention in the production of ethanol in Brazil was already in the early twentieth century with the 2% addition of ethanol into the gasoline. During these early decades, however, there was no concern with environmental impacts, including greenhouse gases. The main objective was national self-sufficiency/security in relation to fuels that were previously imported. The reason for this initiative was simply to create a buffer for the sugar sector, which absorbed excess production of sugar by converting it into ethanol. Although this percentage had grown slowly, even before the advent of the National Alcohol Program (Pro- Alcohol), a clear strategic only came to interfere later on. With the steep increase in international prices of oil dependency in Brazil, which was at the time of more than 80%, has become an excessive economic burden. Concomitantly with the reversal of national policy for the oil that previously intended to protect our crude oil reserves for the future, turned interested to seek an increase in domestic production, was then deployed the National Alcohol Program. With the beginning of the Pro-Alcohol increased to 10% the participation of ethanol in gasoline and passenger car engine with ethanol were encouraged. However, at that time the only strategic concern was to reduce national dependence on oil.
DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_4
Referências bibliográficas
- LEITE, R. C. C. (Coord.). Relatórios do projeto Nipe/Unicamp – CGEE (fases 1, 2 e 3). Campinas, SP.
- LEITE, R. C. C. (Coord.). Bioetanol combustível: uma oportunidade para o Brasil. Centro de Gestão de Estudos Estratégicos (CGEE), Brasília, DF., 2009, 536 p.
- CORTEZ, L. A. B.; GRIFFIN, W. M.; LEAL, M. R. L. V.; LEITE, R. C. C.; SCANDIFFIO, M. I. G. Can Brazil replace 5% of the 2025 gasoline world demand with ethanol? Energy 34 (2009), 655-661.
Como citar:
LEITE, Rogerio Cezar de Cerqueira; "THE BRAZILIAN STRATEGY FOR BIOETHANOL", p. 17-18. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_4