Nogueira, Luiz Augusto Horta
Most of Latin American and Caribbean countries, with a few exceptions, depend on imports to meet their energy needs; at the same time they present appropriate conditions towards the implementation of bioenergy programs for the production of bioethanol and bioelectricity within the sphere of their sugarcane industry. These notes comment the advantages that could be achieved with this type of bioenergy programs and discuss the obstacles that prevent these countries to start using these alternatives, indicating their perspectives and the essential roles of cooperation and integration working as factors to overcome the lack of information and the uncertainties that might still remain. Relying on an appropriate technological support, other countries of the region will be able to use the Brazilian bioenergy model to develop the use of their own resources with advantages for all of those involved.
DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_16
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Como citar:
NOGUEIRA, Luiz Augusto Horta; "SUGARCANE ETHANOL AND THE LATIN AMERICAN ENERGY INTEGRATION", p. 133-140. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_16