Winter, Eduardo ; Lima, Araken Alves ; Mendes, Cristina d’Urso de Souza
Currently, there is an increase in the interest for biofuels and alternative sources of energy such as ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen. The demand for energy increased substantially because of the growing demand for consumer goods and transportation leading to an increased use of fossil fuels. The major countries are experiencing great difficulties to meet their energy needs which has led to a greater participation of fossil fuels in the global energy matrix and the consequences have been for climate change. The environmental concerns are causing major transformations in the world. Businessmen and government officials are recognizing the importance of policies regarding environmental sustainability, which in part has been finding an echo in the concerns of society that has demanded political and environmentally clean products. In contrast to this concern, the sustainable development of nations requires increasingly complementary and/or alternative forms of energy.
DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_12
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Como citar:
WINTER, Eduardo; LIMA, Araken Alves; MENDES, Cristina d’Urso de Souza; "MAPPING THE TECHNOLOGICAL CHAIN OF ETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM SUGARCANE FOCUSSING ON PATENT OF APPLICATIONS: BRAZILIAN SCENARIO", p. 87-100. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_12