Carmo, Vadson Bastos do ; Tannous, Katia
The search for alternative feedstock from renewable sources to replace crude oil has become a worldwide concern. Among the known alternatives, the ethanol produced in Brazil from sugarcane is the most competitive on a global scale. The sugar-alcohol sector has seen a constant increase in demand and production, mainly due to three factors that are taking place simultaneously: increased ethanol consumption on the domestic market caused by growing sales of flex-fuel vehicles; the potential growth of the foreign market due to concerns with global warming, leading to the use of renewable energy; and the increased consumption of sugar by the foreign market due to reduced subsidies by the European Union and other countries (CARMO and TANNOUS, 2007). It is in this context that Brazil has been a leader in producing ethanol from sugarcane. The 2008-2009 crop produced 572,738,489 tons of sugarcane (MAPA (a), 2010), generating 27,681,239 m3 of ethanol (18,050,758 m3 of hydrated ethanol and 9,630,489 m3 of anhydrous ethanol) (MAPA (b), 2010) and 31,297,612 tons of sugar (MAPA(c), 2010). This places Brazil among the leaders in the world ranking. The sugarcane ethanol produced in Brazil is the worldwide leader in terms of production costs, making it competitive with gasoline obtained from crude oil. This leadership position has been achieved through technological innovation both agriculturally and industrially.
DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_14
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Como citar:
CARMO, Vadson Bastos do; TANNOUS, Katia; "INTEGRATING ESSENTIAL COMPETENCIES FOR SUGAR‑ALCOHOL‑CHEMICAL BIOREFINERIES", p. 115-124. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_14