Cortez, Luís Augusto Barbosa ; Nigro, Francisco Emílio Baccaro ; Nassar, André M. ; Cantarella, Heitor ; Nogueira, Luiz Augusto Horta ; Moraes, Márcia Azanha Ferraz Dias de ; Leal, Rodrigo Lima Verde ; Franco, Telma Teixeira ; Schuchardt, Ulf
A multicriteria analysis conducted on the 2nd Workshop (“Feedstock”) looked at feedstocks according to three broad categories: (i) strategic potential, (ii) technical risks and (iii) commercial risks. That analysis showed that all categories of feedstock alternatives have strategic potential to be compliant with the roadmap goals, but technical and commercial risks need mitigation and are somewhat specific to each feedstock being considered; therefore only the categories (ii) and (iii) are detailed in Table 27.
DOI: 10.5151/9788521208761-009
Como citar:
CORTEZ, Luís Augusto Barbosa; NIGRO, Francisco Emílio Baccaro; NASSAR, André M.; CANTARELLA, Heitor; NOGUEIRA, Luiz Augusto Horta; MORAES, Márcia Azanha Ferraz Dias de; LEAL, Rodrigo Lima Verde; FRANCO, Telma Teixeira; SCHUCHARDT, Ulf; "GAPS AND BARRIERS", p. 131-180. Roadmap for sustainable aviation biofuels for Brazil — A Flightpath to Aviation Biofuels in Brazil. São Paulo: Blucher, .
ISBN: 9788521208761, DOI 10.5151/9788521208761-009