Rossetto, Raffaella ; Dias, Fábio Luis Ferreira ; Vitti, ré César ; Cantarella, Heitor


The search for quality of life among current and future generations is the central issue behind human activities. Agriculture in the 21st century can no longer be dissociated from the principles of sustainability, in which economic development must necessarily walk hand in hand with social development and environmental conservation. The sugarcane industry, known in the past as environmentally degrading and polluting, after significant changes, is moving towards sustainability. Soil is considered a heritage of a nation. It is a constantly changing limited resource. In this sense, it is essential that it be understood as a resource to be preserved for future generations. There are many definitions of “soil”. The Brazilian Soil Classification System (EMBRAPA) defines soil as: “a natural body consisting of three-dimensional, dynamic, solid, liquid and gaseous parts, formed of mineral and organic matter, which occupies most of the surface cover of continents on our planet, containing live matter, and vegetated in the nature within which it occurs, eventually having been modified by anthropic interferences”. This definition contains important concepts: the existence of live matter as a soil component; its three-dimensional nature, in other words, soil is not only the land surface that is visible, but also has depth; and the fact that soil may have undergone anthropic interferences, in other words, change by agriculture or other human activity.


DOI: 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_38

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Como citar:

ROSSETTO, Raffaella; DIAS, Fábio Luis Ferreira; VITTI, ré César; CANTARELLA, Heitor; "FERTILITY MAINTENANCE AND SOIL RECOVERY IN SUGARCANE CROPS", p. 381-404. Sugarcane bioethanol — R&D for Productivity and Sustainability. São Paulo: Blucher, None.
ISBN: 9788521208228, DOI 10.5151/9788521208228-SUGARCANEBIOETHANOL_38