Cortez, Luís Augusto Barbosa ; Nigro, Francisco Emílio Baccaro ; Nassar, André M. ; Cantarella, Heitor ; Nogueira, Luiz Augusto Horta ; Moraes, Márcia Azanha Ferraz Dias de ; Leal, Rodrigo Lima Verde ; Franco, Telma Teixeira ; Schuchardt, Ulf
The success of Brazilian agriculture is not just a matter of land availability and good climatic conditions. Brazil has a tradition in public agriculture research and education centers that have paved the way to its success. In the past 50 years the Brazilian government, both at federal and state levels created new research institutions and promoted R&D in an expanding university system. At the same time, the dynamism and opportunities of Brazilian agriculture have attracted private companies and cooperatives to develop technology in agriculture related fields.
Many public institutions have R&D activities in multiple areas. This is the case of Embrapa, the Federal agriculture research institution with 48 research units throughout Brazil. Embrapa has research centers dedicated to crops or themes directly related with bioenergy: Agroenergy Center, Soyben Center, Forest Research Center, Cassava Center.
DOI: 10.5151/9788521208761-008
Como citar:
CORTEZ, Luís Augusto Barbosa; NIGRO, Francisco Emílio Baccaro; NASSAR, André M.; CANTARELLA, Heitor; NOGUEIRA, Luiz Augusto Horta; MORAES, Márcia Azanha Ferraz Dias de; LEAL, Rodrigo Lima Verde; FRANCO, Telma Teixeira; SCHUCHARDT, Ulf; "CURRENT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITIES", p. 127-130. Roadmap for sustainable aviation biofuels for Brazil — A Flightpath to Aviation Biofuels in Brazil. São Paulo: Blucher, .
ISBN: 9788521208761, DOI 10.5151/9788521208761-008