Brazilian Datasets for Teaching Portuguese
Vieira, Marcia dos Santos Machado ; Barbosa, Juliana Bertucci
In Brazil – a plurilingual country with more than two hundred million Portuguese speakers – sociolinguistic diversity is a cultural heritage that, although documented in some linguistic data collections, lacks documentation via nationally defined parameters for the constitution of memory collections. Collections of this heterogeneous heritage can be explored in teaching (inter)actions in the contexto of mother language and non-mother language, in other discursive actions related to translation, interpretation, subtitling, dubbing, as well as in other areas of knowledge. Aware of the potential of this heritage, six researchers from ANPOLL’s Sociolinguistics WG178 d esigned a p roject for a n ational d igital r epository for cataloging and/or bringing together existing Brazilian collections and those to be built: the Platform for Brazilian Linguistic Diversity. This chapter aims to provide the reader with information about Portuguese speaking and writing data collections and this project, that is being developed by Brazilian Linguistics Association (ABRALIN), and then to contribute to a work with Portuguese that promotes attention and respect for linguistic and sociocultural diversity, for the ways of life of the population in Brazil.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555501315-22
Referências bibliográficas
- BARBOSA, Juliana Bertucci; FREIRE, Deolinda de Jesus. A diversidade linguística no ensino de português como língua adicional e língua estrangeira. In: Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978), 49(2), 2020, p. 651–673. Disponível em: Acesso em 10 out. 2021.
- BRASIL. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Brasília: MEC/SEF, 2018.
- FUTUROS possíveis para dados sociolinguísticos apresentado por Raquel Meister Ko Freitag, Juliana Bertucci Barbosa, Marcos Luiz Wiedemer, Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira [s.l.,s.n.], 2021. 1 vídeo (2h02min). Publicado pelo Festival de Conhecimento da UFRJ (2021) Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2021
Como citar:
VIEIRA, Marcia dos Santos Machado; BARBOSA, Juliana Bertucci; "Brazilian Datasets for Teaching Portuguese", p. 347-356. Variação e ensino de português no mundo: Variation et Enseignement de Portugais Dans le Monde. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501315, DOI 10.5151/9786555501315-22