HYBRID DESIGN LAB - Design and Bio-sciences at the University of Napoli Federico II
Langella, Carla
The evolution of sciences, technologies, and new materials is happening so rapidly, pervasively, and overwhelmingly that it presents an infinite universe of new tools and knowledge that design cannot overlook. It is both a challenge and a responsibility, as design is understood as a discipline that, through the design process, is capable of implementing new knowledge and bringing it into people’s lives, translating it into products and services that present themselves as “devices of the new.” These artifacts influence people, their behavior, and their thoughts towards the implementation of innovations that address emerging needs and the complexity of contemporary lifestyles.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555502220-16
Como citar:
LANGELLA, Carla; "HYBRID DESIGN LAB - Design and Bio-sciences at the University of Napoli Federico II", p. 221-242. Map research bionics: transdisciplinary ecosystems in bionics, biodesign and biomimicry : scientific and technological aspects for a design culture. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISBN: 9786555502220, DOI 10.5151/9786555502220-16