The Pandemic in the Brazilian and Italian Media: Referencing and Argumentative Positioning
Miranda, Heloisa da Costa ; Santos, Leonor Werneck dos
The pandemic scenario we live in has put the whole world onalert about the main prevention measures against the coronavirus, and about thesearch for effective means to combat the Covid-19’s advance. The consequencesof the pandemic have been highlighted in mass media, in Brazil and in othercountries. It is notorious, though, the variety of argumentative positioningand of emphasis, comparing to different media and considering the same newsstory. In this context, we aim to analyze, in this chapter, two news about the500,000 Covid-19 deaths mark in Brazil: one published online in the Braziliannewspaper O Globo, on June 20, 2021, and another published in the Italiannewspaper La Repubblica, on June 21 of that same year. Our goal is not to makegeneralizations about the strategies used or about the choices made by theselected media. We aim to outline a qualitative analysis to exemplify how thereferencing, in these two papers, helps to reveal different argumentativeperspectives in relation to the reported fact.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555501292-16
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
MIRANDA, Heloisa da Costa; SANTOS, Leonor Werneck dos; "The Pandemic in the Brazilian and Italian Media: Referencing and Argumentative Positioning", p. 297-302. Variação em português e em outras línguas românicas. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501292, DOI 10.5151/9786555501292-16