Figured Pronunciation in Grammatica Portoghesebrasiliana, by Gaetano Frisoni (1898)

Belfort-Duarte, Andrea Lima; Almeida, Patricia Maria Campos de;


The chapter entitled “Figured pronunciation in Grammatica Portoghese-Brasiliana, by Gaetano Frisoni (1898)” has its starting point in the work Grammatica ed esercizi pratici della lingua Portoghese-Brasiliana, written by Gaetano Frisoni and published in 1898 by the Milanese publisher Ulrico Hoepli. The book is intended for Italian speakers interested in learning Portuguese as a Foreign Language (PLE) and is set in a context where the Portuguese language was acquiring importance thanks to the intensifying commercial relations between the two countries and to the blood ties that increasingly linked the two nations, that were intensified by the migratory processes of the time. Frisoni, in addition to being a teacher and a translator, was the author of several works in the field of linguistic studies, with special emphasis on lexicography, grammatical studies and foreign language area. In the latter, Frisoni stood out for the elaboration of pedagogical grammars, among which we highlight the work that is the focus of this study.


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DOI: 10.5151/9786555501315-16

Referências bibliográficas
  • ALMEIDA, Patricia Maria Campos de. Materiais didáticos de português para estrangeiros editados no Brasil: proposta de uma nova cronologia. Pesquisa de Pós-doutoramento (Estudos de Linguagem) – Instituto de Letras, Universidade Federal Fluminense. Niterói, p. X. 2011. ALMEIDA, Patricia e JÚDICE, Norimar. Do novo mundo ao mundo novo: o ensino de português a estrangeiros no Brasil. In: ALVAREZ, Maria Luisa Ortiz e GONÇALVES, Luis (orgs.). O mundo do português e o português no mundo afora: especificidades, implicações e ações. Campinas, SP: Pontes Editores, 2016. p. 265-292. ALTMAN, Cristina. História, estórias e historiografia da linguística brasileira. Todas as Letras, v. 14, n. 1, p. 14-37, 2012.
Como citar:

BELFORT-DUARTE, Andrea Lima; ALMEIDA, Patricia Maria Campos de; "Figured Pronunciation in Grammatica Portoghesebrasiliana, by Gaetano Frisoni (1898)", p. 273 -278. In: Variação e Ensino de Português no Mundo: Variation et Enseignement de Portugais Dans le Monde. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501315, DOI 10.5151/9786555501315-16