Vernacular urban communication and ephemeral educational materials: the possible link between design and education during the process of literacy development in children

Hennes, Mariana ; Coutinho, Solange


Primary education in Brazil is the most extensive cycle of basic education and is characterized as a period during which children experience great transformations and discoveries. Throughout these nine years of learning (aged 6 to 14), pupils undergo one of the most important processes in their school lives: literacy development.

Although we would agree that learning to read and write, as well as interpreting assimilated information, is one of the great watersheds of the school period, we also believe that the concept of literacy is much broader than simply reading, writing and understanding a written text. For Bissoli (2006), this process begins at the very start of human life, when children come into contact with a large universe of graphic information, striving to understand it, even before they have become literate. For the author (op. cit.), the effort to assign meanings to visual 
messages may be considered a form of reading.


DOI: 10.5151/9788580393712-16

Referências bibliográficas
  • Barbosa, G.; Barbosa, D. 2015. Decoração para Sala de Aula Mickey e Minnie Espaço do Educador Ideia Criativa. IDEIA CRIATIVA (blog). <> 28.04.2017. Bissoli, L. S. 2006. Leitura de imagens: as concepções dos professores de educação infantil. Dissertação de Mestrado não publicada. Universidade Estadual Paulista. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação: Rio Claro. Cadena, R.; 2010. Linguagem gráfica efêmera: uma investigação acerca das mensagens produzidas no quadro em escolas do Recife de ensino fundamental. Monografia de graduação não publicada. Recife: Departamento de Design, UFPE.
Como citar:

HENNES, Mariana; COUTINHO, Solange; "Vernacular urban communication and ephemeral educational materials: the possible link between design and education during the process of literacy development in children", p. 339-360. Selected Readings of the 8th Information Design International Conference - Information Design: Memories: Memories. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISBN: 9788580393712, DOI 10.5151/9788580393712-16