Reading images for telling narratives: an analysis of the Discursive Operations made with a story-telling game

Mota, Marina L. P. ; Campello, Silvio B. ; Souza, Angélica Porto C. de


Initiatives that inspire the development of children’s language skills appear more and more these days. Within the schooling systems these skills may be conceived as a System of Language Acquisition Activity. At an institutional level, we may name the Programa Manuel Bandeira de Formaçã o de Leitores (PMBFL) of Recife, PE, as one of these initiatives. The PMBFL has selected stories, which were made and illustrated by students, to be published through its editorial line. There is also the project Nas Ondas da Leitura that is part of the Recife Literacy Program (ProLer). The Program offers all the 

pedagogical support to stimulate the engagement on reading and writing activities,
having also a line that publishes students’ best stories.


DOI: 10.5151/9788580393712-15

Referências bibliográficas
  • Bonsiepe, G. (2011). Design, cultura e sociedade. São Paulo, SP: Blucher. Coutinho, S. G., & Lopes, M. T. (2011). Design para educação: uma possível contribuição para o ensino fundamental brasileiro. O Papel social do design gráfico: história, conceitos & atuação profissional. São Paulo, SP: SENAC. Engeström, Y. (1987). Learning by Expanding: An Activity - Theoretical Approach to Developmental Research. Helsinki: Orienta-Konsultit.
Como citar:

MOTA, Marina L. P.; CAMPELLO, Silvio B.; SOUZA, Angélica Porto C. de; "Reading images for telling narratives: an analysis of the Discursive Operations made with a story-telling game", p. 311-338. Selected Readings of the 8th Information Design International Conference - Information Design: Memories: Memories. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISBN: 9788580393712, DOI 10.5151/9788580393712-15