Discursive Paradigm as (Proto)Construction: Linguistic Alternation Via Socio-Communicative Practices
Wiedemer, Marcos Luiz ; Vieira, Marcia dos Santos Machado
In this chapter, we highlight the need for the ConstructionGrammar (CG) to integrate the systematic and conventional phenomena ofdifferent traditions and/ or typologies of discourse configuration in the CGmodel (as already presented by FRIED; ÖSTMAN, 2003, ÖSTMAN, 2005, BERGS, 2008,HOFMANN; BERGS, 2014, 2018, MACHADO VIEIRA; WIEDEMER, 2019, 2020, amongothers). And, based on empirical observation, we argue that the constructionistresearch focuses on an (agenda of) analysis that goes beyond the internalproperties of individual sentences or, at most, the connection between them,and then it reaches internal properties of texts and even hypertexts, fromtraditions or discursive innovations. In other words, we defend that thisframework pays attention to the description of larger constructional dimensionsin which (infra/inter)lexical and (intra/inter) sentential constructions areactivated. And, thus, we propose a perspective of description that considersthe notion of construction in more complex structures of a textual-discursivedomain.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555501292-14
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
WIEDEMER, Marcos Luiz; VIEIRA, Marcia dos Santos Machado; "Discursive Paradigm as (Proto)Construction: Linguistic Alternation Via Socio-Communicative Practices", p. 269-278. Variação em português e em outras línguas românicas. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501292, DOI 10.5151/9786555501292-14