To “Matar a Bola no Peito” and “Fazer um Golaço” in the Speech: Predicate with (Semi-)Support Verb
Figueira, Clarissa Fontenlos ; Vieira, Marcia dos Santos Machado
The linguistic object of this chapter is a sample ofBrazilian expressions composed by a (semi-)support verb and a nonverbal elementthat, together, forms a complex predicate indicative of state of affairs thatis related to a sportive play, to soccer domain. Some examples of theseexpressions are exemplars such as “fazer um golaço” (something like “make agreat goal”), “dar um carrinho” (more or less in the sense of “disarming theopponent´s ball domain with one-legged play”), “fazer uma defesa” (“make adefense”) and “marcar um gol” (“score a goal”). Some of them are made up ofnonverbal elements which contain degree affixes (“fazer um golaço”, “fazer umgolzinho”). The complex (verb-noun/verbal-nominal) predicate indicates a(dynamic or non-dynamic) state of affairs and then tends to select oneparticipant role or more, matching, by force of attraction or coercion, to aconstruction of argument structure (usually a grammatical person structure thatforesees an argument or more) for the configuration of a proposition inrelation to the psychobiosocial world.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555501292-12
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
FIGUEIRA, Clarissa Fontenlos; VIEIRA, Marcia dos Santos Machado; "To “Matar a Bola no Peito” and “Fazer um Golaço” in the Speech: Predicate with (Semi-)Support Verb", p. 225-232. Variação em português e em outras línguas românicas. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501292, DOI 10.5151/9786555501292-12