Diaphasic Variation and Maximal Mode in the Sentence Summary Genre: Towards a Reflective Teaching of Lawspecific Vocabulary
Pereira e Silva, Welton
In this chapter, we will present some reflections on the teaching of specific legal vocabulary, taking into consideration the notion of linguistic variation (LABOV, 1972), more precisely diaphasic variation (GÓMEZ, 1993), as well as studies related to discourse and pragmatics (GRICE, 1975; BAKHTIN, 2003) and Forensic Linguistics (COULTHARD; JOHNSON, 2007). We will focus on how the language varies depending on the communicative situation and the degree of monitoring, taking into account the recipients, the context of use and the purposes of the interaction. Coseriu (1966 apud GÓMEZ, 1993) already warned that the language known and used by the same individual varies in greater or lesser degree of formality depending on the communicative situation in which he participates. Thus, we turn our attention to the formal record used by legal professionals in the formulation of their written texts, considering the use of technical terms.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555501315-10
Referências bibliográficas
- FRÖHLICH, L. Redação jurídica objetiva: o juridiquês no banco dos réus. REVISTA DA ESMESC, v. 22, n. 28, p. 211-236, 2015.
- GÓMEZ, Miguel Casas. Considerationes sobre la variacion diafasica. Pragmalinguistica, ISSN 1133-682X, nº 1, 1993, p. 99-124.
- GRICE, Herbert Paul. Logic and Conversation. In: COLE, Peter; MORGAN, Jerry L. Syntax and Semantics, v. 3, Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press, 1975, p. 41-58.
Como citar:
PEREIRA E SILVA, Welton; "Diaphasic Variation and Maximal Mode in the Sentence Summary Genre: Towards a Reflective Teaching of Lawspecific Vocabulary", p. 193-196. Variação e ensino de português no mundo: Variation et Enseignement de Portugais Dans le Monde. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501315, DOI 10.5151/9786555501315-10