Capixaba Press: analysis of the graphic and editorial production of Chanaan magazine, published between 1936 and 19391
Azerêdo, Júlia Sousa ; Fonseca, Letícia Pedruzzi
The press arrived in Espírito Santo in 1840 and upon the fall of Monarchy and the beginning of the Republic, the official press of Espírito Santo was born in 1890. This was a new phase for the capixaba printed media. 1929 was a prosperous year for the Official Press of Espírito Santo, with new shops and facilities of the newspaper Diário da Manhã located in Palace of Anchieta. They purchased two linotype machines and used typographic printing process instead of mobile linotype types, “instead of type by type, the ramifications started to be composed of full lines, merged together” (Villa-Boas, 2008, p.
DOI: 10.5151/9788580393712-09
Referências bibliográficas
- Achiamé, F. 2010. O Espírito Santo na Era Vargas (1930-1937): Elites políticas e reformismo autoritário. Vitória - ES: FGV. Chaanan. 1936 – 1939. Espírito Santo: Imprensa Official. Mensal. Dutra, T. L.M. and FONSECA, L. P. 2013. Metodologia de análise gráfica do Jornal Posição: otimização de processos em pesquisas relacionadas à memória. In: 6º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica em Design da Informação. Pernambuco: Blucher.
Como citar:
AZERÊDO, Júlia Sousa ; FONSECA, Letícia Pedruzzi; "Capixaba Press: analysis of the graphic and editorial production of Chanaan magazine, published between 1936 and 19391", p. 179-200. Selected Readings of the 8th Information Design International Conference - Information Design: Memories: Memories. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISBN: 9788580393712, DOI 10.5151/9788580393712-09