Studies of applications to bionics of composite materials in Università di Camerino

Santulli, Carlo


Prof. Santulli’s principal research interests are on composite materials, non destructive control, natural fibers, materials sustainability, management and upcycling of waste and biomimetics. He has over 30 years of experience in this field, having worked at Università di Roma - La Sapienza, Joint Research Center – Ispra, University of Liverpool, University of Nottingham, University of Reading and Seconda Università di Napoli. He has also been invited researcher at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne, Université de Rouen, Università di Bologna and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. He has over 250 scientific publications, and an educational book on biomimetics (with Luigi Milani: “Biomimetica: la lezione della natura”), translated also in English and Spanish (Figure 1). He also develops activities for dissemination of themes related to environmental issues and on sustainability in schools and other contexts.

His introduction to biomimetics has been triggered by the knowledge of lignocellulosic fibers as natural structures, starting from jute, hemp, and many other fibers following this. From his arrival in 2001 in Reading as research fellow for five years at Centre for Biomimetics, directed by Giorgio Jeronimidis, he investigated, other than the study of natural fibers, other subjects related to biomimetics.


design, projetos de design, bionic

DOI: 10.5151/9786555502220-06

Como citar:

SANTULLI, Carlo; "Studies of applications to bionics of composite materials in Università di Camerino", p. 71-80. Map research bionics: transdisciplinary ecosystems in bionics, biodesign and biomimicry : scientific and technological aspects for a design culture. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISBN: 9786555502220, DOI 10.5151/9786555502220-06