Digital datasheet for archives of images
Moreira, Luiza Avelar ; Fonseca, Letícia Pedruzzi
Considering the several existing studies on history of design that have primary sources of printed materials as the object of their study, many researchers focus their efforts on the systematization and validation of their investigations through appropriate methodological procedures. Within this context, over the years, the Laboratory of Design: History and Typography (LadHT) has built a methodological protocol to standardize and support the different types pf research on magazines, newspapers and other printed materials, carried out by its team of researchers. The first methodological effort regards to the researcher’s approach to the socio-historical context of the printed material, including literature review and additional data collection methods,
DOI: 10.5151/9788580393712-06
Referências bibliográficas
- Azerêdo, J. S.; Toso, A. and Fonseca, L. P. 2015. Revista Chanaan e a memória gráfica capixaba. In Anais do 7º Congresso Internacional de Design da Informaçã o / Proceedings [Oral] of the 7th Information Design International Conference, CIDI 2015. Blucher Design Proceedings, n. 2, v. 2. São Paulo: Blucher. Azerêdo, J. S. and Fonseca, L. P. 2016. Análise dos anúncios da revista Chanaan. In: Anais do 12º Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, p. 382-394. São Paulo: Blucher Design Proceedings, v.9, n. 2. Freitas, R. F.; Coutinho, S. G. and Waechter, H. 2013. Análise de Metodologias em Design: a informação tratada por diferentes olhares. Revista Estudos em Design (online) v.21. Rio de Janeiro, p.1-15 ISSN 1983-196X
Como citar:
MOREIRA, Luiza Avelar; FONSECA, Letícia Pedruzzi; "Digital datasheet for archives of images", p. 115-136. Selected Readings of the 8th Information Design International Conference - Information Design: Memories: Memories. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISBN: 9788580393712, DOI 10.5151/9788580393712-06