Visualizing data on graphic memory research

Farias, Priscila Lena


This is not a paper about computer parts or about technical aspects of computational systems. Graphic memory is here understood as “a line of studies that intends to review the significance and value of visual artifacts, and in particular of printed ephemera, in the establishment of a sense of local identity through design” (Farias, 2015, p. 201), therefore contributing to the design of local graphic design history. Graphic memory research is always concerned with the visual, material and semantic aspects of graphic artifacts, using those artifacts as primary sources and central documents. The material nature of graphic artifacts allow them to be not only analysed in terms of its visual and physical attributes, but 

also as spatially situated and geographically located phenomena.


DOI: 10.5151/9788580393712-05

Referências bibliográficas
  • Annenberg, M. 1994 [1975]. Type foundries of America and their catalogs. New Castle: Oak Knoll. Camargo, A. M. A. 1983. Os primeiros almanaques de São Paulo: introdução à edição fac-similar dos almanaques de 1857 e 1858. São Paulo: Imprensa Oficial do Estado de São Paulo. Cunha Lima, E. L.; Aragão, I. R. and Farias, P. L. 2013. Describing movable type specimens: a contribution to Brazilian (tipo)graphic memory. In: FADEL, L. M.; SPINILLO, C. G.; MOURA, M. and TRISKA, R. (Org.). Selected Readings of the 5th Information Design International Conference: research and practice: 233-249. Florianópolis: SBDI.
Como citar:

FARIAS, Priscila Lena; "Visualizing data on graphic memory research", p. 93-114. Selected Readings of the 8th Information Design International Conference - Information Design: Memories: Memories. São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISBN: 9788580393712, DOI 10.5151/9788580393712-05