Future Production Models of Biofuels in Brazil

Cortez, Luís Augusto Barbosa ; Rosillo-Calle, Frank


As seen in previous chapters, Brazil created sustainable biofuels production models, both for ethanol and biodiesel. However, these models need to be revised or adapted to allow further expansion of biofuels. This could be done either by modifying existing ones or the development of new market models.

Sugarcane ethanol is the most important biofuel in Brazil. Its economics were heav­ily linked to the sugar market. During the last few decades, the success of new etha­nol-built distillery, was directly associated with joint production of sugar. This model currently has its limitations.

Also, criticism related to biofuel and food competition, although not necessarily applicable in the case of sugarcane ethanol, do raise some concerns. Brazil also faces important criticism related to land use, particularly with deforestation in the Amazon region and beef cattle ranches in pastureland. Therefore, there could be a way out by reconciling all these issues by introducing different production models.


combustível, história dos combustíveis, motores, engenharia de transportes

DOI: 10.5151/9786555067477-04

Referências bibliográficas
  • APLA. (2014). Etanol 2G já está sendo produzido no Brasil. Available at http://www.
  • apla.org.br/etanol-2g-ja-esta-sendo-produzido-no-brasil.
  • BNDES. (2008). Sugarcane-based bioethanol: energy for sustainable development /
  • coordination BNDES and CGEE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 304 p.
  • CONAB – Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento. (2022). Séries históricas. Cana-deaçúcar,
  • CONAB, Brasília. Available at https://www.conab.gov.br/info-agro/safras/
  • serie-historica-das-safras?start=20
Como citar:

CORTEZ, Luís Augusto Barbosa; ROSILLO-CALLE, Frank; "Future Production Models of Biofuels in Brazil", p. 105-128. The Future Role of Biofuels in the New Energy Transition: Lessons and perspectives of biofuels in Brazil. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISBN: 9786555067477, DOI 10.5151/9786555067477-04