Circular Economy in Industrial Districts in Minas Gerais, Brazil

Zanforlin , Guilherme da Mata ; Fadel, Ana Luiza Carvalho ; Costa , Wagner Soares


The circular economy got visibility after the creation of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in 2010. The term was said for the first time in 1966 by the economist Kenneth E. Boulding in his work entitled The Economics of The Coming Spaceship Earth, which pays respect to the integration of some areas to the 

maintenance of human life on Earth.


Sustentabilidade, design industrial, design sustentável

DOI: 10.5151/9786555500653-04

Referências bibliográficas
  • CALIXTO, B.; CISCATI, R. Como a Economia Circular pode transformar lixo em ouro. Época, 2016. Available from: Access on: 26 Mar. 2018. CONFEDERAÇÃO NACIONAL DA INDÚSTRIA (CNI). Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges for the Brazilian Industry. Brasília: CNI, 2018a. Available from: Access on: 21 Jan. 2021.
Como citar:

ZANFORLIN , Guilherme da Mata ; FADEL, Ana Luiza Carvalho; COSTA , Wagner Soares ; "Circular Economy in Industrial Districts in Minas Gerais, Brazil ", p. 55-64. Design ecovisions: research on design and sustainability In Brazil - Vol. 2. São Paulo: Blucher, 2021.
ISBN: 9786555500653, DOI 10.5151/9786555500653-04