The Present Situation of Biofuels in Brazil

Cortez, Luís Augusto Barbosa ; Rosillo-Calle, Frank


Typically, every time Brazil faces an energy crisis (oil increase or water/electricity shortages) ends up with a new emphasis to expand RE, in particular biofuels. This was the case during the energy crisis of 1920s, WWII, 1973, 1979, 2007, and now in 2022. Different reasons precipitated these crises, all of them affecting Brazil, both from the energy or the economic points of view. The difference now is that new increase of oil prices, due to the Russian war on Ukraine, coincides with an energy transition process that will take decades.


combustível, história dos combustíveis, motores, engenharia de transportes

DOI: 10.5151/9786555067477-03

Referências bibliográficas
  • EPE – Empresa de Planejamento Energético. (2022). Plano Decenal de Expansão de Energia-2031. Ministério de Minas e Energia, EPE, Rio de Janeiro, 411 p.
  • EQUIPAV. (2009). Uso da palha da cana-de-açúcar. EQUIPAV, São Paulo.
  • GAZZAFFI, R.; OLIVEIRA, K. M.; SOUZA, A. P. de; GARCIA, A. A. F. (2010). Mel¬horamento Genético e Mapeamento da Cana-de-Açúcar. In CORTEZ, L. A. B. (coord.) (2010). Sugarcane Bioethanol R&D for productivity and sustainability, Blucher, 992 p.
Como citar:

CORTEZ, Luís Augusto Barbosa; ROSILLO-CALLE, Frank; "The Present Situation of Biofuels in Brazil", p. 73-104. The Future Role of Biofuels in the New Energy Transition: Lessons and perspectives of biofuels in Brazil. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISBN: 9786555067477, DOI 10.5151/9786555067477-03