Taking A Look At The Support Verb Construction V A Look: A Demonstration Of Methodology
Cappelle, Bert ; Travassos, Pâmela Fagundes
When we talk about acts of looking, we frequently adopt expressions and constructions that we also use to deal with a rather different sort of event, namely that of people or objects moving from one place to another (Cappelle 2020; Cifuentes-Férez 2014; Gruber1967; Kawachi 2020; Matsumoto 2001, 2020; Matsumoto et al. 2021; Talmy 1996,2000, 2018). In English, for example, someone can gaze around the room or lookout (of) the window, just like they can pace around the room or jump out (of) the window. For both kinds of events – merely looking or actually moving – we can combine a verb – either a perception verb or a motion verb – and a prepositional phrase (PP) expressing the trajectory of the immaterial gaze or of the material person. Similarly, you can throw a glance at your phone just like you could, say, throw a lance at a drone, combining in both cases a verb of ballistic motion, a noun phrase, and a PP indicating the ‘target’. Vision thus finds parallels in self-agentive and caused motion.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555502626-02
Referências bibliográficas
- Cappelle, B. 2020. Looking into visual motion expressions in Dutch, English and French: How languages stick to well-trodden typological paths. In Y. Matsumoto, & K. Kawachi (Eds.), Broader Perspectives on Motion Event Descriptions (235–279). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
- Cifuentes-Férez, P. 2014. A closer look at Paths of vision, Manner of vision and their translation from English into Spanish. Languages in Contrast, 14(2), 214–250.
- Claes, Jeroen. 2019. R Crashcourse for linguists. Available online at http://www. jeroenclaes.be/r_crashcourse_for_linguists/.
Como citar:
CAPPELLE, Bert; TRAVASSOS, Pâmela Fagundes; "Taking A Look At The Support Verb Construction V A Look: A Demonstration Of Methodology", p. 57-92. Predicar: uma rede de perspectivas metodológicas. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555502626, DOI 10.5151/9786555502626-02