What is the Playbook? Who is it For?

Barretto, Marcos Ribeiro Pereira; Ribeiro, Artur Tavares Vilas Boas; Dutra, Diogo de Souza; Esteves, Rodrigo Franco;


Together or separately, over the last 20 years the authors have followed the evolution of methodologies, techniques and tools that support the establishment of new business ventures. The evolution that occurred inthis period has been particularly important for technology initiatives, and even more so for those involving physical products. This playbook is the outcome of the authors’ thinking and practice in the past five years, asleaders of undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of São Paulo (USP), as participants in the program Academic Working Capital (AWC)2, at USP’s Center for Entrepreneurship (NEU), and in the venturebuilder CAOS Focado.


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DOI: 10.5151/9786555060461-02

Como citar:

BARRETTO, Marcos Ribeiro Pereira; RIBEIRO, Artur Tavares Vilas Boas; DUTRA, Diogo de Souza; ESTEVES, Rodrigo Franco; "What is the Playbook? Who is it For? ", p. 6 -7. In: Early Stage: Shell For Scientific Entrepreneurship Playbook - 2ª edição. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISBN: 9786555060461, DOI 10.5151/9786555060461-02