López, Laura Álvarez
In 2019, Vanessa Meireles, associate professor at Université Paul Valéry, and Marcia dos Santos Machado Vieira, associate professor at Universidade Federaldo Rio de Janeiro, initiated the international research project VariaR –Variation in Romance Languages, from which the present volume emerges. The project explores a range of varieties of Portuguese. The research group hasalready organized international colloquia and seminars with the main purpose ofencouraging collaboration between researchers who have in common the objective of studying variation and change in the Portuguese-speaking world. Their research outputs contribute to the description and analysis of variable phenomena in both the phonetic-phonological and morphosyntactic levels, including the comparison of Portuguese with other Romance languages.
DOI: 10.5151/9786555501292-000
Referências bibliográficas
- ÁLVAREZ LÓPEZ, Laura; AVELAR, Juanito Ornelas de. Introduction. In: ÁLVAREZ LÓPEZ, Laura; AVELAR, Juanito Ornelas de. The Portuguese language continuum in Africa and Brazil. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2018, p.1-16.
- MESTHRIE, Rajend; BHATT, Rakesh. World Englishes: the study of new linguistic varieties. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
- SCHNEIDER, Edgar. Postcolonial Englishes: varieties around the world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Como citar:
LÓPEZ, Laura Álvarez; "Preface", p. 21-24. Variação em português e em outras línguas românicas. São Paulo: Blucher, 2022.
ISBN: 9786555501292, DOI 10.5151/9786555501292-000